Going away on vacation can sometimes be more trouble than it's worth. Not only do you have to pack and plan but you also have to arrange for someone to collect your mail and look after your pets.
Gas prices also take a huge toll on a vacation budget so this year why not consider a staycation? Here are a few ideas:
- Be a Tourist - Contact your local tourist board so you can plan a trip as if you were visiting your area for the first time.
- Take a Hike - Check out a new local community trail. Enjoy a hike, bike ride, picnic or even a geocaching experience.
- Dine Out - Go to a restaurant you've never been to before. Find out when specials such as “2 for 1” and “kids eat free” are on so you can plan around the deals!
- Overnighter - Visit an unfamiliar place an hour or so from home to experience a true getaway. Book a night at a bed and breakfast or campground to really get into the spirit!
- Kids Stuff - Involve your kids by letting them pick a new attraction to visit. Nearby amusement parks, museums and summer festivals offer endless hours of fun.
Staying home and seeing your area through the eyes of a tourist will give you a new appreciation of where you live. Not only will you save money but you'll also reduce your carbon footprint while supporting your local economy. The best part of all is that you won't need a vacation after your vacation!
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