Countless tragedies are prevented each year by smoke detectors. Here are a few tips to ensure your smoke detectors are in full working order:
- Alarms can be hard wired, battery powered or preferably a combination of both.
- Interconnected smoke alarms are best because when one alarm goes off, they all do.
- Don't "borrow" the batteries for the TV remote as you'll likely forget to replace them.
- Test each alarm regularly by pressing the test button until the alarm sounds.
- Blow the dust out of the alarm whenever you check or change the batteries.
- Smoke alarms should be replaced at least every ten years to ensure proper working order.
- Don't install alarms near windows or doors as drafts could stop smoke from reaching the alarm system.
- There should be at least one alarm installed on each floor including the basement and preferably every bedroom.
Having defective smoke alarms can be worse than having none at all as they provide a false sense of security so make sure your smoke detectors are in tip top shape. It's also important for your family to develop a fire escape plan. If you ever have any questions, your local fire department will be more than happy to help.
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